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Langton’s Classification

Bindi Block 5 Pinot Noir elevated to the top echelon in the Langton’s Classification.

Bindi Quartz Chardonnay joins the Bindi Original Vineyard Pinot Noir in the Langton’s Classification.

As we work hard to manage another challengingly cool season and hope for the forecast sunshine and warmth to arrive we reflect on some fabulous recent news. In 1990 Langton’s categorised Australia’s most recognised and sought after wines. In December 2023 the eighth Classification was issued, listing 100 wines in total, with the top category listing 21 wines. Whilst it is never the aim to attain such listings and critical review, that the vineyard work that began at Bindi in 1988 and the wine production commencing in 1991 has become meaningful is very rewarding. Our focus very much remains on nurturing and bettering our original sites and learning about and exploring the more recently planted sites while working towards several new plantings. The past and the future all playing their roles in the present.

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